Wednesday 22 January 2014

Social Studies

The students have been working on their provincial projects. Several have finished the project. The headings are as follows:

Le Climat
La Végétation (2 examples of each plants/trees)
Les Animaux (4 examples)
Les Ressources Naturels (3 examples)
Les Traits Physiques (the mountains, the lakes and rivers)
La chaîne des montagnes s`appellent ...
Un des plus fameux lac est lac Ontario.
Il y a plusieurs rivières en Ontario. La plus longue rivière est l`Albany. Elle est 982 km longue. Elle se vide dans la baie de James.
The project has to be in French. We did Le Climat together. Here is the language they need to include:

Les hivers sont froids. La température moyenne est celsius. Il neige en hiver. Il fait chaud__ l`été. Il pleut l`été. La température moyenne est __celsius.

Whenever they work on Google docs, the document should be shared with me. There is a share button on the screen. Unfortunately, I cannot have access to the net books to allow for the project to be finished at school.

The project is due February 3rd, 2014. The expectation is that each student will present his/her project in front of the class.

I will photocopy what your child has researched thus far and send it home for the weekend.

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