Sunday 25 May 2014

Medieval Castle Construction begins..

Construction is well under way for the medieval castles. Thank you to parents who sent in materials for the construction. Here are some pics of work in progress. 
Now we will move on to choosing and writing about the role of a medieval character. 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Monday 31 March 2014

Making Pizzas!!!

La Pizza
March 31st, 2014

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

In your child's Extended French class, we have been working on making a pizza recipe and learning the vocabulary necessary to write a recipe. 

On Wednesday, April 2nd, the students will be making pizzas. I will provide the dough (pita bread) and pizza sauce. I am asking the students to provide the toppings. They can place the toppings in small baggies.

In class we have been practising our presentation on 'La Pizza', a copy of the recipe they wrote will go home today so they may rehearse before Wednesday. We will make the pizzas at lunch time in my Kindergarten classroom.

I will need volunteers to help with baking the pizzas in the kitchenette and staffroom ovens. Please fill out the bottom portion of the note if you are able to volunteer to help with the baking of the pizzas. After lunch I will give them time to eat the pizzas and we will begin our presentations.

Your Partner in Education,

Natalie Schlesak

Ms. Schlesak's Extended Grade 4 class

I am able to volunteer on Wednesday, April 2nd to help bake the pizzas. Please arrive at 11:10 at the school and meet us in my Kindergarten classroom.  Thank you for your support!!


Telephone number:________________________

Sunday 26 January 2014


On Monday January 24th, I will send home the copies of the research the students have completed on the project outline. Please note the project on the province is due FEBRUARY 3rd, 2014.

Presentations will start the day they are due and continue throughout the week. As noted in the previous post the headings are below:

Le Climat
La Végétation (2 examples of each plants/trees)
Les Animaux (4 examples)
Les Ressources Naturels (3 examples)
Les Traits Physiques (the mountains, the lakes and rivers)
La chaîne des montagnes s`appellent ...
Un des plus fameux lac est lac Ontario.
Il y a plusieurs rivières en Ontario. La plus longue rivière est l`Albany. Elle est 982 km longue. Elle se vide dans la baie de James.
The project has to be in French. We did Le Climat together. Here is the language they need to include:

Le Climat
Les hivers sont froids. La température moyenne est ___ celsius. Il neige en hiver. Il fait chaud il pleut l'été. La température moyenne est __celsius.

Most students have started to complete the project on Google Drive, in Google presentation, which is similar to Microsoft Powerpoint. If the program is problematic to use you may opt to put the work on a bristol board. If you choose another software program please check with me that it is compatible with our net books at school.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Social Studies

The students have been working on their provincial projects. Several have finished the project. The headings are as follows:

Le Climat
La Végétation (2 examples of each plants/trees)
Les Animaux (4 examples)
Les Ressources Naturels (3 examples)
Les Traits Physiques (the mountains, the lakes and rivers)
La chaîne des montagnes s`appellent ...
Un des plus fameux lac est lac Ontario.
Il y a plusieurs rivières en Ontario. La plus longue rivière est l`Albany. Elle est 982 km longue. Elle se vide dans la baie de James.
The project has to be in French. We did Le Climat together. Here is the language they need to include:

Les hivers sont froids. La température moyenne est celsius. Il neige en hiver. Il fait chaud__ l`été. Il pleut l`été. La température moyenne est __celsius.

Whenever they work on Google docs, the document should be shared with me. There is a share button on the screen. Unfortunately, I cannot have access to the net books to allow for the project to be finished at school.

The project is due February 3rd, 2014. The expectation is that each student will present his/her project in front of the class.

I will photocopy what your child has researched thus far and send it home for the weekend.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Social Studies

Most students have begun to work on their province projects. The expectation is that all students should have their cover pages done by the end of this week. 
Almost all of the students have access to their google docs account.  The purpose of the project is to convince the grade 4 students that their province is the one they should visit for a summer holiday. Students will vote on the best 3 persuasive presentations. 

Criteria for Title page (First slide in Presentation)
Large title
Persuasive language in title: Venez au Quebec (Thank you, Christina)
I still have to find out how to insert French accents. There should be un accent aigu on the first e in Quebec.
At least 4 pictures in an organized fashion.
Small print: Name

To access their accounts, the students need to sign in using their email: first name.last  They all have a generic password that they should know. I asked them to write it down in their agendas. They can access their accounts anywhere!

Please let me know if your child cannot access his/her account.

Yesterday, I modeled what information should be on the climate page of their presentation.  I will give each student access to my model so they can use it to help with their presentation. A copy will be sent to their google email. Each slide should include at least two facts.

I am sending home a hard copy of this note, but please sign up and subscribe to my blog to get this message electronically.

I sent home capital and province tests to be signed.  Some students did not have them signed. I will be making telephone calls to parents whose child is struggling in French right now.

Thursday 28 November 2013