Sunday 26 January 2014


On Monday January 24th, I will send home the copies of the research the students have completed on the project outline. Please note the project on the province is due FEBRUARY 3rd, 2014.

Presentations will start the day they are due and continue throughout the week. As noted in the previous post the headings are below:

Le Climat
La Végétation (2 examples of each plants/trees)
Les Animaux (4 examples)
Les Ressources Naturels (3 examples)
Les Traits Physiques (the mountains, the lakes and rivers)
La chaîne des montagnes s`appellent ...
Un des plus fameux lac est lac Ontario.
Il y a plusieurs rivières en Ontario. La plus longue rivière est l`Albany. Elle est 982 km longue. Elle se vide dans la baie de James.
The project has to be in French. We did Le Climat together. Here is the language they need to include:

Le Climat
Les hivers sont froids. La température moyenne est ___ celsius. Il neige en hiver. Il fait chaud il pleut l'été. La température moyenne est __celsius.

Most students have started to complete the project on Google Drive, in Google presentation, which is similar to Microsoft Powerpoint. If the program is problematic to use you may opt to put the work on a bristol board. If you choose another software program please check with me that it is compatible with our net books at school.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you should have any questions.

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