Monday 31 March 2014

Making Pizzas!!!

La Pizza
March 31st, 2014

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

In your child's Extended French class, we have been working on making a pizza recipe and learning the vocabulary necessary to write a recipe. 

On Wednesday, April 2nd, the students will be making pizzas. I will provide the dough (pita bread) and pizza sauce. I am asking the students to provide the toppings. They can place the toppings in small baggies.

In class we have been practising our presentation on 'La Pizza', a copy of the recipe they wrote will go home today so they may rehearse before Wednesday. We will make the pizzas at lunch time in my Kindergarten classroom.

I will need volunteers to help with baking the pizzas in the kitchenette and staffroom ovens. Please fill out the bottom portion of the note if you are able to volunteer to help with the baking of the pizzas. After lunch I will give them time to eat the pizzas and we will begin our presentations.

Your Partner in Education,

Natalie Schlesak

Ms. Schlesak's Extended Grade 4 class

I am able to volunteer on Wednesday, April 2nd to help bake the pizzas. Please arrive at 11:10 at the school and meet us in my Kindergarten classroom.  Thank you for your support!!


Telephone number:________________________

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